Vincient Garland Out of the Blue

Vincent Garland's Gallery of Works.

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Original Artworks

Original pieces may be purchased by contacting Vincent direct via the email form at the bottom of the page. Some pieces will be available for sale at Vincent's next exhibition. Check HERE for the dates.

Art Prints

This is where you may buy some of Vincent's art. Each piece is digitally scanned at high resolution to ensure faithful reproduction of the original work. All prints are reproduced to the highest quality on 320gsm textured Cotton Rag Stock. They are printed to include a 3CM border outside the stated size in each listing.

All prints are limited edition with a print run of only 100 copies. Each print is numbered and signed by the artist.

Prints will be rolled and shipped in a protective cardboard tube.

The size in each listing is the minimum size available. The size reflects the dimensions of the original artwork. Other print sizes are available by special order. If you wish to purchase a print of a larger or smaller size please contact Vincent via the email form below.

All prices listed cover the cost of the print only. There will be an additional charge for delivery if the item is shipped to you. When we receive your purchase order we will contact you with the cost of delivery.

Out of the Blue

2024 - Acrylic on canvas. 75 x 50cm
PRICE $146
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Only the most pathetic, insane, sick, talentless, megalomaniac, narcissistic, psychopathic and unevolved twisted parasitic pervert freaks would claim to be the opposite while
manipulating, micromanaging, mutilating, burning and feeding off of life like cancer itself. These inherently creepy talentless incubi and succubi have nothing to offer life but deception, destruction, disease and death.

Now humans have been psychologically and physically disarmed and disabled, the demented true failures of life are busy spinning and amplifying their technological webs of bondage, terraforming organic cities into synthetic motherboards and humans into genetically programmable bits.

Survival requires clear identification of potential threats and methods of how to overcome those challenges.

Throw off the spells the vile and wicked have to continuously cast, and support genuine leaders and advocates for a healthy community, strength and wellbeing.


2023 - Gouache, ink and liquid gold. 27.5 x 30cm
PRICE $146
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Since the new layer of war that’s been kicked off in the Middle East there are global protests of people who are apparently against oppression, racism and colonisation. Yet many colonise, dominate and oppress the western nations they so desperately want to inhabit. You see they’re so masochistic they come here to be oppressed :) While western countries and western people are literally being gang raped. Yet, if you mention this, the psychopaths who have trained their goyim dogs to bite on command like good little goyim gimps will unleash these ideologically brain-damaged, weaponised imbeciles in your direction. And before you know it you’ll have your bank accounts stolen and your very own Wiki page claiming you're a hateful anti-semite white supremists nazi.

The pattern in the background of this piece is not a swastika. It's an extremely ancient symbol. That would be like saying: “The Jewish Marxist sociopath Max Horkheimer wore glasses, so anyone who wears glasses is a sociopath Marxist.”

Finally, Europeans are beginning to defend themselves.

Necrotic Vector

2023 - gouache and ink on paper 40 x 28.5cm
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Granting power decadence and opulence to repulsive war criminals is like gold plating cancerous faeces and attributing divine importance to it.

On another note; Let's just say I had seven computers and I installed a different program on each. Each computer would manifest and express that program and nothing else.

Let's just say a woman births identical septuplets and gives them away to seven different families from different races that each live completely in line with their own unique devotional ideology. Each one of those identical infants would express those specific different ideologies, steering phenotypic expressions in new directions.
What perception-dictating programs are we running/acting out?

We all need to be Tank Man

2023 - Acrylic, ink and liquid gold on Arches 640gsm watercolour paper, 57 x 42cm.
PRICE $146
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I was born in Oceana (Australia) into a war that was presented as normal and definitely not a war. A country where I/we are all constantly told “Ya lucky, you're in the lucky country”.

Queensland Government “Australia” is no longer The Commonwealth of the People, it’s a fraudulent multi-faceted affiliated conglomerate of corporations posing as a legitimate government that directly enriches Washington DC USA.

Looking at the situation makes me think of a term I heard recently

Globalists Dickhead

Pencil on paper 29.7 x 21cm
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Do you know who this is? Have you read his works? When he stated “ You will own nothing, and you will be happy” many people finally made an effort to look closer. I encourage you to research their work

Complex highfalutin think-tank based global strategic intelligence and somewhat evolutionary resculpting sounds like exciting fields of labour, that's why I buy and read their work. Unlike the decepticon’s embedded throughout this withering garden pretending to be something they’re not, these characters are honest in their self-indulgence and proud of their work. For they are merely representative of an unelected collective.

When he says; “We all know, but still, pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario, of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring, to a complete holt, to ze power supply, to the transportation, to the hospital services, our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 crisis would be seen, in zis respect, as a small disturbance, in comparison.
To a major cyber attack.
To use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity, to reflect on the lessons of cyber security communities can draw. And improve our in-preparedness for the potential 'Cyber Pandemic”.
- I’m not sure about you, but I think that sounds devastating. Kinda like a bit of the ol’ global starvation action could be at foot. Not for this guy though, I am sure he has a strategic supply of biodynamic degustation to get him through.

Liberate Palestine

2022 - Ink on paper 30 x 30cm
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For years many of us have been watching the continuous genocide in these lands.

I want so much for our species to stop attacking and destroying itself. I want so much for us to be free to actually live, and not just survive in a violent and cruel world. I think what is sad is what is rarely talked about, which is just how amazing our collective experience could be. The loud chaos from the destructive forces that are destroying our world is so consuming it's hard to see beyond the current trajectory of annihilation back into the possibilities of boundless potential and well-being.

Part of my heritage is from these lands, and to watch the pain and suffering and not be able to help my brothers and sisters is unbearable. (I wanted to donate this piece to a fundraiser auction thing… to some type of ‘stop the war’ foundation out there.. I will look for something)

Pretty Ping

2022 - Pencil on paper 29.7 x 21cm
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So why make fun of a psychopath?

Well as dubious as it may be, it reveals how violent and volatile the social climate has become when you can't make a joke anymore. I like graffiti because it's feedback from society, especially the youth. Right now, true investigative journalism is maintaining our current ability to… still exist.

I like comedy because it's also a living feedback loop, a synthesised summary of our collective insanity, our situation, our struggles, our truths and our deviations. Keeping our collective conversation alive. For many life forms, clear signalling and feedback loops are a core driving aspect of survival. It seems without the corrective force of the feedback loop deviations into erroneous states of expression are inevitable.

Our Oldest Predator

2021 - ink pen on paper 26 x 32.5cm
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OK so I was living in East Brisbane in a one-room apartment, and there was an abundance of mosquitoes, so some nights I found myself getting up at like 2am, walking around with a head torch, lamp, and tea towel hunting and smearing mosquitos all over the walls and ceiling.

I am now a master mosquito genocidal expert. I became intrigued about the ancient war between humans and mosquitoes and how it quietly rages on to this very day, mainly at night.


2020 - watercolour and ink pen 57 x 42cm
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Ok so I watched the awkward Neurolink presentation, and it was surreal. Apparently drilling a hole in everyone's head, and firing arachnid looking nano threads into the limbic system of the brain, which is permanently attached to a global technology mesh system is totally normal, and a project all life needs so desperately.

I don't know about you but I don't want to rest or sleep anymore, I just want to go deeper into the digital dimensions of delusional disembodied dementia until my consciousness is eventually ‘assimilated’ into a soulless galactic mega computer of eternal insanity.

I’m like “ Fuck yeah where do I sign up?”

Dictator Dan

2020 - pencil on paper 33.5 x 57cm
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Ok, so my family was locked down for way too long in Melbourne over the COVID frenzy.

Many people from many different countries were commenting on how psychopathic and unnatural the bondage punishment fetish coming out of the government muppets of this island. These corporate employees don't represent me, nor do they represent many men women and children of this land. They are an embarrassment to life, and should be removed from their fraudulent perverse positions of control.

Digital ID2020

2020 - pencil on paper 39.5 x 55cm
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What inspired me to do this piece? Researching ID2020, A Digital Identity; “Patent #WO2020060606 is described as a “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.” It’s a private critical-thinking individual's nightmare.

My mind is a place where I game out options of choices I eventually do or don't make, moment to moment. It's the most intimate private space that I have. I could see how everyday people were literally being consumed by their digital devices and at some point certain large-scale changes to life may be irreversible.

The Presence

2018 - pencil on paper 40.5 x 29.5cm
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I was living in Federal Northern NSW, realising that the unusual weather we were experiencing had quite the…’vibe’ to it. I started to realise that I was sensitive to the electromagnetic technology that had been installed around us. It made me think of The Stereocilia inside the cochlea of the inner ear, and how they are compelled to move with every mechanical sound wave that reaches them.

The piece represents the manipulation of the expression of life via frequencies. I was beginning to wonder if there was a master frequency generator that was inspiring and pushing life to express and manifest its cosmic doctrines.

Guacamole Guru

2018- watercolour 28.5 x 35.5cm
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So I dated a raw food chef I met while I was travelling in Bali, Indonesia. She thought raw food was the centre of the universe and was infatuated with the raw food guru David Avocado Wolf. The fascist zealotry of Ashtanga yoga and raw food was stomach-churning, so after feeling thoroughly malnourished from such tasteless, odourless interactions I felt inspired to do a pun piece.

I guess by that stage in my adventures I could clearly see the pretentious new age dietary fashion victims and their enlightenment via deprivation breatharian/starvation ‘workshops’ and coffee enemas was … a load of shit!

This was my first time using watercolour.

Keepers of Truth

2017 - ink on paper 40 x 28.5cm.
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Like water, we are clearest when we are still. A good clear intent and an ability to engage with the mechanics of the moment allows us to maintain a core integrity that reinforces the structure of our experience, especially in times of encroaching darkness.

Comprehending what’s behind acts of darkness I have found a superior diagnostic tool. Asking one question. “Is it necessary?” Whether it’s demonic mind rapists, inbred mouth-breathing gang stalkers or corporate/state-funded social terrorists, all acts of evil and destruction are (and always will be) unnecessary.


2017 - pencil on paper 25.5 x 38cm
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I was in Japan, staying at a guest house in Ise area. It was the beginning of winter, and I was enjoying spending time exploring the area and hanging out in the guest house with the owner and employees.

One night we walked down to a bar and listening to a live reggae band that was pumping. We got really drunk and stoned and had so much fun, fuck I miss travel! I was interested in the Japanese art of building with wood, using joins and gravity only. I was in love with the culture and its artistic nature, whether it was hand-crafted clay tea cups or pristine temple designs. They express an appreciation and enthusiasm for life which I find very inspiring.


2013 - ink pen on paper 59.4 x 42cm
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I was still in the Byron Bay area. I moved to another mouldy man cave in Federal. This time it was a vintage caravan with a wooden deck. Lots of koalas, lizards, birds, waves, star gazing. After many experiences in the Northern Rivers region, I wanted to go travelling again.
This piece helped me learn more about composition.


2012- pencil on paper 59.4 x 42cm
PRICE $146
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If individuals actualise demons into this dimension, eventually this dimension will be more demonic. Which means less good individuals, and more sabotaging demonic sicko’s destroying the good. More bad, less good, until bad is systemically normalised, popularised and trending. If you call them out you may be terrorised and ruined in the most insidious and demonic ways they can scheme, incubate and hatch. Corrupting, turning, and weaponising all life until it represents perversion, death and decay. Schizophrenically virtue signalling while intentionally contaminating your mind, food, water, air and soil. They lack creative vision, copying, pasting, mimicking and manipulating what already is, mechanically working systems and networks. Blocking out and denying good and truth while crippling, ensnaring, locking you down, raping and paralyzing you with their poison and lies. Like creepy demented hosts to a deadly parasite, eventually rejecting and killing anything corrective and healing, they also become the deadly parasite perpetuating the cycle and infestation.

There is a type of law some call The Doctrine of Signatures. For example, some poisonous plants and mushrooms look poisonous. That exact same nature revealing principle seems to apply to much that manifests in this dimension. Tragically more demonic influence equals more ugly and grotesque. More vile and repulsive. More heinous and horrific. More soulless and sick. Hopefully overlooking the obvious is a positive trait that allows us to perceive the traumatising hideousness and see beyond it into more beautiful and healthy scenarios. This law is there for a reason, unfortunately it points out what many choose to overlook and violently deny.

Primordial Transition

2011 - ink on paper 50.5 x 24cm.
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I drew this while I was sitting in a cafe in Varanasi each morning for over a week. A Slovacian street artist who dropped in each morning for coffee and a croissant asked if I could help him with a large mural he was working on. It is/was on the side of the main temple at the main ghat. I painted Nandi, the sacred cow. Each night at 7 pm the locals would ‘do puja’, a devotional expression involving live music, billowing frankincense amongst the twinkling lanterns and makeshift markets.

One evening while attempting to roll a joint a baby monkey quickly climbed down from somewhere above, jumped onto my lap, stole my ball of hash, and ran away eating it. I thought “What a cheeky monkey” and considered it an unofficial offering to Hanuman :)

The Beginning of the End

2011 - pencil on paper 59.4 x 42cm
PRICE $146
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This piece was interesting in that I clearly saw the image one morning while staring at the blank paper, so I started to pencil it in, and before I knew it, I was looking at a strange moment. I was feeling the impermanence of life and how eventually time-space may dismantle all that is. I could sense the foundations of my own perceptions begin to shift and unravel.

Meanwhile in the Garden

2011 Liquid ink & pen 59.4 x 42cm
PRICE $146
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I spent a few days drawing this while sitting up in a friend's apartment on Vulture Street West End as the city and river were flooding around us. It was a time of vintage shirts, Pimms Punch, and good music. While watching the unrelenting rain. I was celebrating caterpillars and their transformation into butterflies. Being reborn upside down, they allow their wings to unfold and dry before taking flight. It was the first time I used liquid ink.

Taking Liberties

2011 - pencil on paper 22 x 22cm.
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This drawing was created while I was house-sitting my friend’s apartment in West End Brisbane. I sat listening to music and drawing for a few days. In the afternoons I would watch the sunset over Mount Coot-tha, looking at the huge antennas protruding out of the TV propaganda stations that inhabit the skyline. The red blinking of the towers pumped out their invisible signals into unsuspecting minds. At the time I had a crush on a friend who absolutely loved the Queen, she had a picture on the wall next to her bed. I have always seen the royal families as pompous and parasitic.

Botanical Illumination

2011 - pencil on paper 25 x 25cm
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This drawing was created while I was sitting in a little old Queenslander in West End, on the corner of Boundary and Why-not Street. My room was pale cream-coloured with a wooden filigree above the door, an old wooden heavy window and creaky floorboards. Reminiscing… Those were the days you could still smoke joints inside without AI robots, mandatory smoke alarms and aggressive trans-vegan-antifa fascists spoiling the vibe. Just good music, good company, hot chai tea, ping pong games, and lamp-lit moments. I was enjoying the geometry of nature at that time of my life.

A Wavering Reality

2009 - coloured pencil 59.4 x 42cm
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I officially started this drawing while I was living in New Farm Brisbane. At the time I was running the Kitchen at Gerties. Most nights we would drink black Sambuca, smoke joints, and laugh about the day. I bought my first drawing pad and coloured pencils. I would sit on the lounge or floor on my days off and draw. The first drawing I did was a stylised butterfly, my ex-girlfriend had tattooed on her lower back. I started enjoying the ability to warp, twist and exaggerate images.


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Vincent Garland Twitter

To make an enquiry please call Vincent on:

0415 357 749
+61 415 357 749

Send Vincent an email below. Please include as much information as you can in your message.


0415 357 749

+61 415 357 749


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Vincent Garland Twitter
Send Vincent an email below. Please include as much information as you can in your message.

© Vincent Garland, Brisbane, Australia. 2009 - 2024. CONTACT ME ObscureMyEmail